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Welcome to AshClass - Term 3

Welcome back to term 3, we hope that you had a fantastic Christmas. Below you will find all of the documents you will need for Term 3. I have also attached a yearly overview so that you can see what your child will be learning over the course of the year. 

You can find out more information for our PSHE units on the ten ten parent portal (https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal/). The log in is as follows

Username- st-edmunds-sn11
If you would like any further information on how to support your child at home, please let us know, we'd be more than happy to help.
Miss James and Mrs Crabtree. 

Important Information


-Please ensure that your child comes to school well equipped, this means they will need a waterproof coat,  a water bottle, welly boots and a change of clothes should you feel that this is necessary

- Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

- Drinks bottles need to be in school EVERY day. These also must be labelled!

- Healthy snacks: We do provide a healthy snack each day but you can also send in one from home if you wish. We do ask that this is also healthy! No biscuits, crisps or sweets. Please also be mindful that we have a 'no nut policy'.


If you would like to support your child with spellings but you are unsure where to start there is a 'Year 1 CEW (common exception word)' doccument attached above where you will find some suggestions. 


The children will be given two reading books every Friday, one will be a book that they have been reading throughout their guided reading sessions and the other, a story which can be shared together. Please listen to your child read everyday and record this in their reading diary. Please try to share their book with them for at least 5-10 minutes, three times each week. Research shows that reading with your child at home has many benefits, including promoting self-confidence, developing important communication and literacy skills, and fostering a love of learning. Book will be changed every Monday.


PE will take place on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that children wear their PE kit to school on these days. We will aim to teach PE outdside as long as the weather permits so please ensure that the children have appropriate clothing for this. Please can you ensure that your child/children wear appropriate footwear that they can fasten independently.



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