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Welcome to Cedar Class!

Your Year 4 teachers and Mrs Woodman (Monday -  Wednesday) and Mrs Tavener (Thursday & Friday) 

PE days for this term will be on a Monday and Wednesday - please come to school wearing PE kit.  If attending an in-school sports afterschool club, your child may come into school wearing PE kit on that day.

Waterproof coats will be needed in school each day - we intend on getting outside as much as possible, even in the wet weather! 

Reading books to come into school daily. 

Please refrain from using ruck-sacks as we do not have the space to store these in the classroom.  Lunch boxes, bookbags and water bottles are all the children need to bring into the classroom. 

Please ensure that all clothing is labelled.  If the item is labelled, staff will do their best to ensure the item is returned to the child. 

Please remember that we are a nut-free school.  

Please remember that we very much welcome communication with parents - however, first thing in the morning is a very busy time for teachers as they prepare for the day's learning.  Please speak to the office in the morning if you have a concern or email using the Year 4 email address.  Otherwise, please arrange a meeting for after school one day.   Thank you for your support. 

Mrs Woodman: Class Teacher


Mrs Tavener: Deputy Head, SENCO and Class Teacher



Each child will be given a books to take home and read. 

Books bags should be brought into school on a FRIDAY for books to be changed. Rereading books is important to develop fluency and comprehension, so please encourage your child to read their book more than once.

Please read with your child at least 5 times a week at home. There will be a 'reading club' held on a Friday lunchtime for anyone who doesn't complete their reading or would like to read more.

Times Tables

In year 4, we continue to practice our times tables in the run up to the Multiplication Times Tables Check in June. Therefore, it is an expectation that children practice their times tables at least 3 times a week at home. Here is a practice version of the times table test:

Multiplication Tables Check - 2023 - Timestables.co.uk

This term, we are practicing  our 6 times tables and 8 times tables every day using times table booklets in the classroom. If you would like a copy of the booklet for your child to practice at home, please see below.

As well as a paper copy, your child has a personal login for Times Tables Rockstars to help them to do this. Children are able to access the teacher set times table through the garage option on Times Tables Rockstars.

We will be monitoring the individual use of Times table Rock stars and ensuring those who do not get the chance to practice regularly at home, are given an opportunity in school. 

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