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Charitable Work


Calne Food Bank

Calne Food Bank was founded approximately 15 years ago by the Calne Partnership of Churches. Over the years many families and individuals have benefitted from the food received in times of hardship.

We have a donation point in school and at St Edmund's Church on Oxford Road. Although we collect donations all year round, we promote donations for our harvest celebrations, at Christmas and Easter and take children from school to drop off donations. They currently need more donations of:

  • Breakfast cereals/other breakfast items
  • 500g bags of sugar
  • UHT Milk • Fruit juice cartons
  • Tins of fruit
  • Tins of vegetables
  • Tins of potatoes
  • Tins of meat
  • Tins of soup
  • Tins of custard
  • Tins of puddings
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Jars of sauces 

You do not have to do anything to qualify for a food parcel. We act on trust. Simply call: 07752 213029 or visit the Foodbank during opening times – no documentation required. You can find more information about donating and volunteering at https://www.calnefoodbank.co.uk/



Calne Food Bank LogoDonations

Apostleship of the Sea


At the commissioning service at Clifton Cathedral, Bishop Declan asked Chaplaincy teams to raise money to support 'The Apostleship of the Sea' (AoS) charity. This charity works hard to provide support for all seafarers regardless of belief, nationality or race. Our Leaders of Faith worked together to organise a fundraising day for this special cause. They led a whole school assembly on Monday 27th January to raise awareness of AoS and launch thier appeal for donations. Together we organised a sea-themed non-uniform day and cake sale on Friday 31st January, asking for donations of small change and cakes to sell. Thanks to your donations, we raised over £232. More details of the incredible work they do can be found here.

Cafod - Catholic Agency For Overseas Development

CAFOD logo1

CAFOD's mission is to work alongside the world’s poorest people. They work without prejudice, they don’t preach, and they pride themselves on their diversity. They believe the Catholic values are best shown through love for others, and by working for justice and an end to poverty.

CAFOD’s vision, mission and values draw directly from Catholic Social Teaching (CST), Scripture, Liturgy, the Gospel and the tradition of the Church. At Saint Edmund's school we frequently promote CAFOD as a Catholic charity and often have speakers come in to do assemblies and workshops with the children. We take part in their family fast days and run fundraisers throught the year. We often use their high quality resources to support our teaching of RE and class worship.

More information about liturgies, charitable work and worship can be found on ther website https://cafod.org.uk/


Friends of Saint Edmund's (FOSE)

At Saint Edmund's we are very lucky to have our own team of dedicated parents, families and friends who run fundraising events throughout the school year to raise money for resources needed in school. They provide exciting opportunities for the children including discos, Christmas fare, Easter egg hunts and pancake races. They are always welcoming new volunteers to help with ideas and events. To find out more you can head over to their Facebook page by clicking here or asking any member of staff in school to put you in touch.

Macmillian and Maggie's Cancer Centres Cake Sale

Year 6 pupils and Mrs Crabtree helped to run a cake sale after school on 27th September.

An amazing selction of cake were donated by parents and staff and we rasied an amazing total of £98.97. This money will be split between the 2 charities. 


Maggie's | Everyone's home of cancer care (maggies.org)

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