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Oak Class


We hope everyone has enjoyed a restful half-term break, and is ready to return for the second part of the summer term. There is lots to look forward to, not least our annual Sport’s Day, later this month. We will be working on a range of different skills, as part of our learning in PE over the next few weeks, so that we are ready to get the most out of this exciting occasion. PE will continue to take place on Mondays and Thursdays this term, so please send your child to school dressed appropriately on these days. During the week leading up to Sport’s Day, we will be endeavouring to make sure we are eating extra-healthily, by creating and enjoying a delicious snack, as part of our designing and making curriculum.

Our topic this term is based around ‘growing and changing’. Initially, we will be exploring how plants grow, and this will involve us planting and caring for our own sunflowers, as well as doing a survey of the flowers growing in our school grounds. We will use this opportunity to look at the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, and find out some information about him. We will also share the story of The Tiny Seed, by Eric Carle, and compare the illustrations in this book with the sunflowers painted by van Gogh. Later in the term, we will also read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, again by Eric Carle, as we widen our investigations to include the life-cycle of the butterfly.

In maths this term, the children will be introduced to the Rekenrek equipment, in preparation for Year 1. They will begin to use these tools to compare, count and explore number patterns, building on all the subitising work we have done this year.

As part of our work in RE, we will be learning about St. Peter and St. Paul, and exploring how Jesus has friends all over the World. We will also be exploring the traditions and celebrations of some other World faiths, thinking about how we can be good neighbours to everyone.

So, another action packed, fun-filled few weeks lie ahead! Please feel free to ask, if you have any questions.

From Mrs Tremellen, Mrs Butler and Miss Baylis

Mrs Tremellen and Mrs Humphrey


Miss Bayliss- Giraffe Class Teaching Assistant


Things to bring to school

  • A waterproof, named coat.
  • A sunhat and suncream clearly named.
  • A named water bottle.
  • A packed lunch (if you are not having school dinners)
  • A morning snack.

Please note, to encourage good oral health we request that children only bring water or weak squash in their bottles to school. 

Reading books

Sharing books together is a vital part of building early literacy skills. Book bags will be changed every Friday with 2 books to share over the week. Please bring bookbags into school everyday.

Please record all reading at home in the blue diary provided. This can include titles of books from home. We ask that you listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. 

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