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School Development Plan 2021-2022

Overview of Priorities

  • Curriculum development:
    • To ensure that we have a ‘broad and rich’ curriculum that reflects the vision and values of the school.
    • Embed a whole school curriculum map which clearly identifies intent, implementation and impact for all foundation subjects.
    • Empower curriculum leaders to assure themselves that what they expect to happen in their subject is actually happening; to know the strengths and weaknesses in teaching and learning and plan and implement necessary strategies and actions
    • Develop and implement a monitoring system across the school to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum intent, implementation and impact and plan and implement any necessary actions.
    • To ensure that the teaching and learning of reading is of a consistently high quality across the curriculum to create a culture of reading.
    • To continue to embed high quality phonics teaching across the school and ensure consistency of approach to teaching.
    • To continue to develop and maintain a positive writing culture in our school (across the curriculum), improving handwriting and spelling consistency and application
    • To raise standards in writing to enable accelerated progress and an increase in ARE
    • To sustain teaching for mastery approach for mathematics.
    • To develop and embed outdoor learning across the curriculum
  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):
    • To embed continuous provision in Early Years and Y1 so that pupils are independent learners being stretched to their potential.
    • To ensure that all staff have a secure understanding of EYFS provision and assessment
    • To develop the outdoor learning environment to ensure it is providing opportunities for challenge and progress in child-initialled and adult-led activities
  • Mental health:
    • Establish a wellbeing team with a Mental Health Leadership role
    • Develop pastoral team to include Parent Support to meet growing need of parental mental health and support
    • Embed Anna Freud 5 Steps to Mental Health and audit whole school needs
  • SEND:
    • To have a clear picture of SEND provision across the school, which is mapped and monitored and communicated to all stakeholders
  • To provide timely and appropriate support to all pupils with SEND, building on proven interventions, especially with a view to targeting reading and maths gaps identified after lockdowns.
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