All school meals need to be booked in advance via Parentmail.
Our school lunches are prepared and delivered to school each day by Lataca. More information can be found on their website including allergen information. Meals should be ordered and paid for in advance via the Lataca booking system Parentmail. The cost of a school meal is £2.45. KS1 meals are free but will still need to be booked. Free School Meals are also required to be booked in advance.
The menu provides foods that will contain some of the common allergens. If you are in any doubt concerning any allergic reactions that your child may suffer within these groups, please contact Lataca directly via email
If your child is absent from school and meals have been booked with Lataca. You must contact Lataca by email before 9am on the day of the meal is booked, if you wish it to be cancelled. Meals will not be refunded if a cancellation email has been sent after 9am on the day of the booking.