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Pine Class (Year 2 & Year 3)

Welcome to Pine Class

We are a mixed class of Year 2 and Year 3 who love to share a good book, sing silly songs and embrace the great outdoors when we can.

Our termly newsletter can be found below with an outline of everything we will be learning this term. Any questions can be emailled using the address below, or feel free to speak to us at school.

 Mrs Towers (Class Teacher)


Capture 3

Pine Class Information

Class Teacher: Mrs. F. Towers

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs. A. Wild

PPA Cover Teacher: Mrs. K. Salter

Helpful Information

This term our PE will be taught every Monday and Tuesday afternoon.

Bookbags should be in school daily. Books will be changed every Monday and Thursday, providing your child has read at home 3 times. We actively encourage re-reading books to enhance fluency and comprehension. 

Snack is provided for KS1 (Year 2) children only. We ask Year 3 children to bring a healthy snack in each day for break and all children bring in a water bottle.

Please support timestables by using Timestable Rockstars at home 3 times per week. Let us know if your child needs login details.



ELS Spelling

In Year 2 and 3 we help children learn how to spell using spelling rules and alternate spelling patterns. We use these helpful charts in class to encourage independance when writing. If you wish to have a copy of this at home, please ask.

Recommended Reads

Year 2 Recommended ReadsYear 3 books
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