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Pine Class - Year 2

Welcome to Pine class.

My name is Mrs du Pre and I am your class teacher. I will be in class with the children on Mondays through to Thursdays. Miss Jones will be teaching the class every Friday. Mrs Willis is our teaching assistant.

I will update this page every term with new curriculum information.

If you have any questions or concerns please make an appointment to speak to me. 

Mrs du Pre



Mrs du Pre

Mrs du Pre

Reading Books

Each child will be given 2 books to take home. The first is a phonetically decodable book from our reading scheme. This book matches the phonics phase that your child is secure with. Your child should be able to read this to you with minimal segmenting and blending. Please encourage your child to read this on a daily basis to develop fluency for reading.

The second book is from our school library. This book is for you to read to your child and is intended to develop a love for books and reading.

Please make sure reading book bags are in school every Monday for changing.


P.E. will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child to school in their P.E. kits on these days. They will wear their P.E. kits all day. 


History - Intrepid Explorers

In this unit the class will be introduced to two intrepid explorers. They will meet Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, investigating why they are remembered today, what they achieved and how they are similar to or different from each other. Once they have all the information they need, the class will then use what they have learnt to decide who the greater explorer was. Will they be Team Columbus or Team Armstrong?

Science - Plants

In this unit children will understand what plants need in order to grow, thrive and survive. They will explore the life cycles of various plants that grow from seeds and bulbs and investigate how they change as they grow and develop.

Year 2 Recommended Reads
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