Governance at Saint Edmund's
All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the school, holding the headteacher to account, and delivering effective financial performance.
The Governing Body aims to help the school provide the best possible education for its pupils and sets out the school’s vision and policies together with the Head. The Head is responsible for day-to-day management.
Governors have responsibilities in such areas as curriculum, finance, personnel and special educational needs. No individual Governor has any power unless delegated by the governing body. The Governing Body as a whole is responsible for any decisions made.
The Governing Body is structured in the following way:
- 8 x Foundation Governors (nominated through the parish and appointed by the Bishop of Clifton to ensure that the Catholic nature of the school is maintained).
- 2 x Parent Governors (elected by parents of children attending Saint Edmund's Catholic Primary School for a term of four years).
- 2 x Staff Governors are elected by school staff and form an important link between the school and the Governing Body.
- The Headteacher by virtue of position in the school is automatically a Governor.
Governors currently meet monthly to discuss school business and make key decisions at the full governing body. They also have sub-committees that meet throughout the year to discuss topics such as finance, audit, and admissions.
The governing body is supported by a clerk, who records statutory information, organises the agenda setting, and documents the minutes for each full governing body that can be found on this webpage.
Saint Edmund's Governing Body is proud of the school, its staff and pupils. We are an active and enthusiastic team, acting as a critical friend and offering support and challenge to the Senior Leadership of the school. We regularly appraise the skillset of the governing body and attend training where appropriate.
If you would like to register your interest in joining the governing body, please contact our Chair of Governors at who will arrange for a confidential discussion with you.
2022 - 2023 Governing Body Members:
Mr Paul Kehoe
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in November 2021.
I am responsible for leading our team of dedicated governors, ensuring that we are challenging ourselves robustly to deliver the best performance for our school and the best outcomes for our children.
I have pecuniary business interests as an employee of Clifton Diocese and as Chair of Governors at Holy Cross Primary School in Swindon.
Mrs Diana Harrison (Vice Chair & Foundation Governor)
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in April 2021. Current term ends in March 2025.
I am the Safeguarding governor.
Mr Kim Parsons (Foundation Governor)
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in May 2021. Current term ends in May 2025.
I am Chair of Finance, Premises, Risk and Sudit Committees.
Mr Oliver Steel (Foundation Governor)
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in December 2021. Current term ends in December 2025.
Mrs Victoria Nye (Foundation Governor)
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in April 2021. Current term ends in April 2025.
I am link governor for SEND, Pupil Premium and Sports Premium.
Mrs Caroline Depla (Foundation Governor)
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in December 2021. Current term ends in December 2025.
Mr Luke Bromwich (Foundation Governor)
Appointed by Clifton Diocese in May 2023. Current term ends in May 2027.
Mrs Karen Salter (Headteacher Governor)
Appointed September 2022.
I am the Headteacher of the school, providing input into the strategic direction and priorities of the school, ensuring that we achieve the best possible outcomes for our children.
I have no pecuniary / business interests.
Current Vacancies
2 x Parent Governors
If you would like to register your interest in joining the Governing Body, please contact our Chair of Governors at who will arrange for a confidential discussion with you.
Resignations in the last 12 months
Mrs Hannah Bridges (Staff Governor) - Resigned 31/08/22
Mrs Louise Brown (Headteacher Governor) - Resigned 31/08/22
Mrs Victoria Hood (Foundation Governor) - Resigned 31/03/22
Mr Ross Swan (Chair & Parent Governor) - Term ended 31/10/2021.
Miss. Charlotte Cooke (Foundation Governor) - Resigned 24/06/2021
Key Documents
Governing Body Code of Confidentiality 2019-20.pdf